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Waste Management Study

​​​​​​​The City of Brampton held a public infor​mation session on May 2, 2007 to seek public comments on the preliminary results of the Incineration and Waste Processing, Transfer and Disposal Study, a two-year study to review the City’s policy framework for addressing development applications related to waste incineration, processing, transfer and disposal in Brampton.

The study, carried out by consultant MMM Group Limited, looked at the appropriateness of the City's current land use designations and policies as well as transportation considerations. A Statutory Public meeting was held on September 5, 2007 to present findings of the study. A Planning Policy report was submitted to the City by the consultant which recommended a planning policy framework for the regulation of incineration and waste processing, transfer and disposal uses. the report formed the basis for amendments to the City's Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

On October 10, 2007 Brampton City Council pa​ssed By-Law 326-2007 to adopt Official Plan Amendment OP93-288 and OP2006-009, and By-Law 327-2007 to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 270-2004.

For further details on the study and its findings, staff reports and material from the public information session are available for download below.

 Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

For more information on the Waste Management Study, please contact Pam Cooper, Environmental Planning Manager at 905.874.2265 or email: