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In December 2009, Council authorized planning staff to initiate secondary planning for Secondary Plan Areas 52 & 53, collectively known as the Heritage Heights Community. This effort resulted in the June 2014 Proposed Land Use Plan, which was approved “in-principle” by Council at the time for the purpose of moving forward with public consultation. In April 2015, Council passed a resolution directing staff to revisit the 2014 Proposed Land Use Plan due to the uncertainty of many ongoing studies in the Heritage Heights Community and the need to engage all stakeholders.

In 2019, the re-engagement process began under where multiple design charrettes were conducted to establish the vision and guiding principles, transportation structure and land use plan for the area. The process was in the actions contained in the Bramp​ton 2040 Vision. Multiple stakeholders took part in the Charrette including landowners, City staff, Regional staff, School Boards, agencies, and the general public. The engagement process included workshops, open houses and presentations designed to condense feedback loops and deliver a vision for the lands that was rooted in the Brampton 2040 Vision.

In 2020, City Council’s endorsed a new Heritage Heights Conceptual Land Use Plan and directed staff to work with technical teams, landowners, relevant agencies and stakeholders to evaluate the technical merit of the plan and develop the Secondary Plan policies. On April 6, 2022, City Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 2006-210 which established the Heritage Heights Secondary Plan. Various appeals were filed with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

 Contact Official Plan and Growth Management

For more information on the City's planning program for the Heritage Heights Com​munity (Areas 52 & 53) and to provide comments via email, please contact:​