Amending the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law, Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium Application
The Province of Ontario, through the
Planning Act determines how the development review process should be undertaken and how land uses may be controlled and by whom. The
Planning Act is used for the processing of Official Plan Amendment applications, Zoning By-law Amendment applications, Plan of Subdivision and Plan of Condominium development applications.
The City, under the direction of the
Planning Act, creates an overall master-planning document called the Official Plan that is used to guide many development and infrastructure decisions on issues such as land use, built form, transportation and the environment. The Zoning By-law is a companion document and an effective and efficient control mechanism to regulate land use and development (i.e., permitted land uses and associated requirements such as setbacks, parking, etc.) that implements the goals and objectives of the Official Plan.
The Development Application Review Process for Official Plan Amendment applications, Zoning By-law Amendment applications, Plan of Subdivision and Plan of Condominium development applications includes 11 steps and specific milestones that apply to these development applications (not all steps are required in every application, for example, some processes do not require a Community Informal Open House meeting).

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