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Housing Brampton

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Brampton's Municipal Housing Pledge

On October 25, 2022, the province released Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022​. The Bill received Royal Assent on November 28, 2022.

Through Bill 23 and the related Housing Supply Action Plan​, the province’s goal is to achieve 1.5 million new homes by 2031, 113,000 of which have been allocated to the City of Brampton.

Brampton’s Municipal Housing Pledge​ provides details on the range of ongoing and planned City initiatives that will support strategic growth and accelerate new housing supply in Brampton.

To meet this Pledge, adequate and coordinated funding from senior levels of government is imperative to deliver essential hard and soft infrastructure. The City will continue to advocate for funding for soft infrastructure including healthcare, transit and transportation, education, and social services.

The City will also continue to advocate for large-scale intensification projects and investment in economic growth to accommodate the significant increases in housing, population and workforce.​

Financial Implications and Growth Costs

Brampton's cost to deliver this additional growth in the 2031 horizon is estimated to be approximately $3B above the City's planned forecast.

On February 23, 2023, Regional staff reported to Regional Council on infrastructure planning to support Bill 23 housing targets. Based on information provided, Regional staff reported a total cost of $20.4B (approximately $11.5B above the Region's 10-year capital plan).

Region of Peel, Provincial Government, Federal Government  

There are many approved projects already completed or underway in Brampton where costs may not be fully recovered through Development Charges (DCs). Costs not recovered through DCs would need to be made up through higher utility rates or external funding. Additional information from Bill 23 is required to provide specific details on the full cost of implementing the Municipal Housing Pledge (i.e. costs covered by the development industry and costs borne by residents).

Until the City receives further clarity on the legislation and until the next DC study is completed, the numbers provided are estimates and will need to be revised at the time this additional information becomes available. The accelerated growth committed to through this Pledge will not be feasible without significant financial commitments from senior levels of government.​​​​​

Financial Request to the Federal and Provincial Governments

The accelerated growth committed to through Brampton’s Housing Pledge will not be feasible without significant financial commitments from senior levels of government.

The targets introduced through Bill 23 coupled with reduced Cash-in Lieu for Parkland and Development Charges - specifically for affordable and attainable housing - leaves a further financial shortfall in the City’s ability to deliver on the Housing Pledge. Without financial support from the province, the Pledge and the corresponding targets will not be met within the province’s planning horizon to 2031. Additional funding from the provincial and federal government is required for:

  1. Hard infrastructure projects for both the City and Region of Peel, including transportation and water and wastewater infrastructure, specifically to help facilitate development in strategic growth areas. To accommodate this new accelerated growth and deliver the essential hard infrastructure needed to maintain already stretched existing service levels in Brampton, adequate and coordinated funding from the Province of Ontario will be required to ensure this cost is not placed on Brampton taxpayers.
  2. Transit investment to increase public transit options, with a particular focus on investments in Higher Order Transit in locations identified through the City’s draft Brampton Plan City Structure.
  3. Soft infrastructure investments, including funding for schools, community and emergency services, libraries, parks, and open space.
  4. Provincial investment in the short term for the Riverwalk project, to remove environmental constraints and the Special Policy Area that restricts developm​ent in the city’s downtown
  5. Additional funding for existing healthcare needs, including the 700 beds and 3rd hospital required to at least meet the per-capita provincial average, and future healthcare needs associated with the additional growth from Brampton’s Housing Pledge, including funding for complete construction of Peel Memorial and a planning grant for a third hospital.
  6. Investment in the economic growth and development of Brampton’s industries, for attraction of new employers and jobs to support employment of the estimated 400,000 new residents coming to the city by 2031.
  7. Infrastructure funding from the Federal Government to keep pace with growth associated with immigration.
Artist Rendering, future Brampton development

Supporting the Development Application Process

The City of Brampton is the fastest-growing of Canada’s 25 largest cities.

With this unprecedented population and household growth, the City recognizes its important role in supporting the creation of complete communities across the city:

  • A full range of jobs and employment opportunities
  • Community services, libraries, Places of Worship, etc.
  • Open spaces, parks, and a connected Natural Heritage System
  • Cultural heritage and public art

Artist Rendering, community building  

In 2022, the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) ranked Brampton 4th out of 16 GTA municipalities for the fastest average approval timelines (13 months) across all development application types.

The City issued over 10,000 building permits in 2022 representing construction value investments in Brampton of over $2B. $1.3B of these investments were allocated for residential projects.

Over the past 3 years, an average of 6,680 residential units per year were approved (through site plan and OPA/subdivision approvals).

View the full version of Brampton's Municipal Housing Pledge.​

View the City's Media Release​.​​

Mar 8, 2023, Signing Brampton's Housing Pledge: Deputy Mayor - Harkirat Singh, Regional Councillor & Chair of Planning  

Mar 8, 2023, Signing Brampton's Housing Pledge: Deputy Mayor - Harkirat Singh, Regional​ Councillor & Chair of Planning - Michael Palleschi, Mayor - Patrick Brown & Planning, Building and Growth Management Commissioner - Steve Ganesh ​​


Housing Brampton was developed following comprehensive consultation, and was approved and endorsed by City Council on May 19th, 2021. The Strategy and Action Plan consists of 4 Big Moves and 16 Action Items which respond to the current and future housing needs of Brampton residents. Between 2021 and 2025, Housing Brampton will be implemented through numerous policy and process changes as well as through integration with other City plans.

​Housing Brampton is Brampton’s comprehensive Housing Strategy and Action Plan that will help us to improve housing affordability, add more diverse types of housing to our housing stock and use innovative approaches to address our housing needs.

Housing Brampton's overarching Principles to guide housing development in Brampton include reducing barriers to supply of housing, making full use of regulatory tools, incorporating equity, collaborating with the non-profit sector, advocating for the right housing, and demonstrating innovation. These Principles guide the 4 focus areas or 'Big Moves' of the Strategy and Action Plan, which include Purpose-Built Rental Housing, Use of Public Land, Attainable Home Ownership, and Clear Housing Targets.


Brampton Housing advisory Committee

The Brampton Housing Advisory Committee is comprised of housing experts across the GTA and guides the development and implementation of the City’s housing strategy, "Housing ​Brampton," including advising the City on best practices and innovative approaches.

Advisory Committee ​​​

Our Vision is the long-term goal for our city.

Learn about the 2040 Vision

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