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Shade Structures

Brampton’s parks and open spaces provide opportunities and facilities for residents to participate in physical and social activities, while enjoying nature. Shade structures are one of the amenities often added to a park to contribute to overall enjoyment of park patrons. Shade structures provide a number of benefits:

  • Opportunities for users to rest in a sheltered environment
  • Relief from the heat and glare of the summer sun
  • “Open” design allows for air ventilation
  • A convenient seating option for residents and parents to watch over their children when located near a playground

Shade structures are not designed, nor intended, to protect park users from weather element/conditions.

 Locational Criteria

In recent years, the demand for shade structures has increased. As a result, the City of Brampton has adopted locational criteria to assist in assessing requests, managing demand and ensuring structures are located properly.

This criteria applies to new installations (new developer-installed structures and additional structures in existing parks)

Shade structures will not be considered in valleys, vista blocks, stormwater management areas and/or naturalized areas.

The addition of a 2nd shade structure in a park will only be considered in parks over 2 ha (5.0 ac.) in size

Parks must be over 0.61 ha (1.5 ac.) and with 0.5 ha (1.2 ac.) of active tableland

New installations cannot conflict with existing park uses

If approved by the public, Neighbourhood Parks of 1.5 – 5 acres can have a Small structure, Neighborhood or Community Parks of 5 - 25 acres can have a Medium Structure, and Community Parks or City Parks of 25 + acres can have one or more Large Structures.

New installations should not encroach on natural areas, play areas, roadways, residential or commercial properties

Consideration shall be given to existing shade elements (e.g. mature trees), other public gathering areas, and park activities and facilities

 New Requests

Requests for new shade structures in existing parks can be directed to Park Planning & Development Section by emailing


If a location is deemed suitable under the approved Locational Criteria, staff will use approved Implementation Protocols to incorporate the shade structure into the park. The protocols require that the City:
  • Conduct a survey of the surrounding neighbourhood to gauge public support
  • Review results with area Councillors
  • If 'yes', then seek funding through Capital Budget process and proceed to implement, after funding approval
  • If 'no', advise requestor(s) of decision

 Types of Shade Structures

Minor Shade Structure

Small square (20' x 20')

Typically used in Neighbourhood Parks

Intermediate Shade Structure

Medium Rectangle (20' x 32')

Typically used in larger Neighbourhood Parks and Community Parks​

Major Shade Structure

Large Rectangle (20' x 40')

Typically used in Community and City Parks


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