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2022-2026 Term of Council Declarations of Interest

​​​​​​​​The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act sets out ethical rules for council and local board members. These rules apply, with some exceptions, to Council and local board members if they have a pecuniary (financial) interest in a matter that is before a Council (or a local board) at a meeting.

Section 5.1 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Actsection 5.1 of Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires a member to file a Written Statement of Disclosure of Interest Form after the member discloses a pecuniary (financial) interest under section 5.

In addition, the Act under a new section 6.1, requires municipalities and local boards to establish and maintain registries that keep copies of statements filed under section 5.1 and of declarations recorded under section 6.​

Written Statement of Disclosure of Interest Form

Written Statement of Disclosure of Interest Form​​, (pdf file)

Record of Disclosure

Every declaration of interest made is recorded in the minutes of the meeting by the Clerk of the municipality or Secretary of the committee or local board, as the case may be.

Every municipality and local board shall establish and maintain a Disclosure of Pecuniary Inte​rest Registry in which shall be kept:

  • A copy of each statement filed under section 5.1; and
  • A copy of each declaration recorded under section 6.

This registry is to be made available for public inspection in the manner that the municipality may determine.

The Disclosure of Interest Registry (.pdf) for the previous term of City Council (2018-2022) is found here​.​​​

Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5Special City Council Meeting8/12/20244.1 - Summary of Recommendations - Planning and Development Committee - August 12, 2024Disclosure
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5Planning and Development Committee8/12/20245.2 and 7.2 - Application for a Minor Amendment to the Development Permit System, Blackthorn Development Corp., Main Street Developments Inc., 85 Sproule Drive, Ward 1, File: OZS-2024-0038Disclosure
Regional Councillor Pat Fortini, Wards 7 and 8Special City Council12/5/2023Enforcement and By-law Services (Legislative Services) Section of BudgetDisclosure
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5City Council8/9/2023Item 12.2 - Minutes -Planning and Development Committee - July 31, 2023Disclosure
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5Planning and Development Committee7/31/2023Item 7.3 - Main Street North Development Permit SystemDisclosure
Regional Councillor Dennis Keenan, Ward 3 and 4City Council4/19/2023Item 19.4 - Closed Session - Open Meeting exception under Section 239 (2) (e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001Disclosure
Regional Councillor Pat Fortini, Wards 7 and 8City Council3/9/2023Item 6.1 - Recommendation BC028-2023 - Salary Portion of 2023 Operating Budget for Enforcement and By-law Services Division, Legislative ServicesDisclosure
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5City Council3/1/2023Item 12.4 - Recommendation CW059-203 - Downtown Brampton BIA Boundaries– of Council – February 22, 2023.Disclosure
Regional Councillor Pat Fortini, Wards 7 and 8Budget Committee2/27/2023Budget Deliberations re. Salary Portion of Enforcement and By-law Services Division, Legislative ServicesDisclosure
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5Committee of Council2/22/2023Item 9.3.1 "Boundaries of Downtown BIA"Disclosure
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5Brampton Heritage Board2/21/2023Item 10.1 - Report by Anastasia Abrazhevich, Assistant Heritage Planner, re: Heritage Permit Application and Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Application –249 Main St N–Ward 1Disclosure
Regional Councillor Rowena Santos, Wards 1 and 5Committee of Council2/1/2023Items 6.2 and 11.2.3 - Noise Wall at Rosedale VillageDisclosure
Regional Councillor Pat Fortini, Wards 7 and 8City Council11/16/2022Item 10.3 - litigation or potential litigation matter and advice subject to solicitor-client privilege - as is named party to ongoing litigation
Regional Councillor Martin Medeiros, Wards 3 and 4City Council11/16/2022Item 10.3 - litigation or potential litigation matter and advice subject to solicitor-client privilege - as is named party to ongoing litigation
City Councillor Jeff Bowman, Wards 3 and 4City Council5/18/2022Item 19.4 - property lease matter re. GAVE - as sits on Advisory Board of GAVEDisclosure
Regional Councillor Martin Medeiros, Wards 3 and 4City Council5/18/2022Item 19.4 - property lease matter re. GAVE - as sits on Advisory Board of GAVEDisclosure
Regional Councillor Rowena Santos, Wards 1 and 5City Council5/18/2022Item 13.3 - BramptonU - abundance of caution depending on result of the Integrity Commissioner investigation/complaintDisclosure
Mayor Patrick BrownCity Council4/6/2022Committee of Council Minutes - March 30, 2022 - Recommendation CW123-2022Disclosure
Regional Councillor Martin Medeiros, Wards 3 and 4City Council4/6/2022Committee of Council Minutes - March 30, 2022 - Recommendation CW123-2022
City Councillor Jeff Bowman, Wards 3 and 4City Council4/6/2022Committee of Council Minutes - March 30, 2022 - Recommendation CW123-2022Disclosure
Mayor Patrick BrownCommittee of Council3/30/2022Item 6.7 - Delegation - Consideration for Incentives to Non-Profit Affordable Housing and Long Term Care Projects in BramptonDisclosure
City Councillor Jeff Bowman, Wards 3 and 4Committee of Council3/30/2022Item 6.7 - Delegation - Consideration for Incentives to Non-Profit Affordable Housing and Long Term Care Projects in BramptonDisclosure
Regional Councillor Martin Medeiros, Wards 3 and 4Committee of Council3/30/2022Item 6.7 - Delegation - Consideration for Incentives to Non-Profit Affordable Housing and Long Term Care Projects in Brampton
Regional Councillor Rowena Santos, Wards 1 and 5City Council3/11/2022Item 5.1 – the Integrity Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar positions - as there is a complaint in which the Councillor is named
City Councillor Jeff Bowman, Wards 3 and 4City Council3/11/2022Item 5.1 – the Integrity Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar positions - as the Councillor has ongoing issues with the Integrity Commissioner
Regional Councillor Paul Vicente, Wards 1 and 5Committee of Council3/9/2022Item 6.5 - Grant-in-lieu of Development Charges for Habitat for Humanity Sites at 1524 Countryside Drive and 25 William Street - as Councillor owns property on William StreetDisclosure
City Councillor Harkirat Singh, Wards 9 and 10City Council3/2/2022Item 12.2 - Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - January 31, 2022 - Recommendation PDC021-2022 - as cousin operates an adjacent businessDisclosure
Mayor Patrick BrownCity Council3/2/2022Item 12.3 - Minutes - Committee of Council - February 2, 2022 - Recommendation CW031-2022 - as the Mayor sits on the related Advisory Board
Regional Councillor Martin Medeiros, Wards 3 and 4City Council3/2/2022 Item 12.3 - Minutes - Committee of Council - February 2, 2022 - Recommendation CW031-2022 - as the Councillor sits on the related Advisory BoardDisclosure
City Councillor Jeff Bowman, Wards 3 and 4City Council3/2/2022 Item 12.3 - Minutes - Committee of Council - February 2, 2022 - Recommendation CW031-2022 - as the Councillor sits on the related Advisory BoardDisclosure
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Mailing Address:
Brampton City Hall
2 Wellington Street West
Brampton, ON L6Y 4R2

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm


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  • 905.874.2000 (Outside city limits)
  • 905.874.2130 (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone)
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