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Road Safety

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We are committed to keeping all users of our road infrastructure safe. The City of Brampton has several initiatives in place to help improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and drives on roads, sidewalks and walkways.​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Community Safety Zones

Community Safety Zones are designated areas where road safety is of special concern.

Cycling Safety

Learn about safe cycling habits, biking facilities, and rules of the road.

Related Documents

Open Data

Explore and interact with Brampton's public data hub.

Red Light Cameras

Red light cameras were installed as safety initiative by the Region of Peel to discourage motorists from running red lights.

Road Watch

Report driving complaints to Peel Police if you observe dangerous or aggressive driving in Brampton.

Traffic By-laws

Review the City's General Traffic Bylaw 93-93 and index of consolidated Schedules.

Traffic Signs and Signals

Get more details on the signals and signage posted on Brampton roads.

Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan (2015) is the City’s blueprint for strategic transportation planning and direction for the future.

Contact Public Works and Engineering

Public Works and Engineering
Williams Parkway Operations Centre - 1975 Williams Parkway
Brampton, Ontario L6S 6E5
 Email Us

Need to report an issue?

 Create a 311 Service Request