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Clock Tower Lightings

​​​​The City Hall clock tower is an opportunity for the City of Brampton to recognize and celebrate special occasions and events that celebrate Brampton’s diverse community and foster a spirit of community. Lightings will occur for one evening and will take place on the approved date. A clock tower lighting does not constitute a personal or civic endorsement.

 Guidelines for Clock Tower Lighting Requests

  • Requests are to be made at least four (4) weeks in advance of the requested lighting date
  • Requests must be made by an organization that resides/operates within the City of Brampton
  • Requests must provide background information about the organization, cause or event
  • Requests must be submitted annually for repeat requests
  • Requests must relate to an organization, cause or event that contributes to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the City of Brampton

  • All clock tower lighting requests are subject to approval by the City’s Protocol Office and based on availability on a first come first served basis.
  • An organization (i.e., requestor/recipient) may request one clock tower lighting per year.
  • Clock tower lightings will occur for Brampton organizations or causes and not for individuals

  • eligible causes or events, within the City of Brampton, including:
    • ​public awareness and education campaigns
    • charitable fundraising campaigns
    • arts, athletic, historical and cultural celebrations
  • to an organization, within the City of Brampton, who has achieved national or international distinction, or whose significant contribution to the City deserves recognition
  • as a special recognition/honour at the discretion of the Mayor

  • For matters of political controversy, ideological or religious beliefs or individual conviction
  • For events or organizations with no direct connection to the City of Brampton
  • For campaigns or events contrary to City policies or by-laws
  • For campaigns intended for profit-making purposes

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Clock Tower Lightings​​​​​
