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Clock Tower Lightings

​​​​​​​​​​Clock Tower Lightings in 2025

Learn more​ about clock tower lightings and how to request a clock tower lightin​gs.​​​​​​​​

January 1, 2025New Year
January 7, 2025Orthodox Christmas
January 27, 2025International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 29, 2025National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia
January 31, 2025Lunar New Year (Year of the Snake)
February 1, 2025Black History Month
February 2, 2025India's Republic Day
February 5, 2025100th Anniversary of Peel Memorial
February 7, 2025Grenada's 51st Anniversary of Independence
February 11, 2025National 211 Day
February 21, 2025Saint Lucia's 46th Anniversary of Independence
February 15, 2025National Flag of Canada Day
February 22, 2025World Encephalitis Day
February 13, 2025Wear RED Canada
February 24, 20253rd Anniversary of the Full Scale Invasion in Ukraine
February 28, 2025- March 30, 2025Ramadan Mubarak
February 28, 2025Rare Diease Day
March 1, 2025Endometriosis Awareness Month
March 21, 2025National Poison Prevention Week
March 23, 2025Brampton Steelheads Day
March 29, 2025Eid Mubarak (Eid-ul-Fitr)
April 14, 2025Vaisakhi
April 20, 2025Easter
April 25, 2025Parental Alienation Awareness Day
May 12, 2025Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
May 8, 202580th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day
May 10, 2025Lupus Awareness Day
May 18, 2025Global Porphyria Awareness Day
May 13, 2025Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Awareness Day
June 1, 2025Pride Month
June 6, 2025Eid Mubarak (Eid-ul-Adha)
June 19, 2025World Kidney Cancer Day
June 21, 2025National Indigenous Peoples Day
July 1, 2025Canada Day
September 6, 2025Jaswant Singh Khalra Day
September 30, 2025National Truth and Reconciliation Day
October 16, 2025Light It Up! For NDEAM
October 20, 2025Diwali
November 11, 2025Remembrance Day
December 14, 2025Hanukkah (Chanukah)
December 25, 2025Christmas
December 26, 2025Kwanzaa
​​Clock Tower Lightings 2024​​​​​​