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Flag Raisings and Half-Mastings

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​There are almost 100 flag poles located at City of Brampton facilities including transit buildings, fire stations, recreation centres, and libraries. The City of Brampton’s facilities fly the National Flag of Canada, the Ontario Provincial Flag, and the City of Brampton flag where three flag poles are available. Facilities that are limited to a single flag pole fly the National Flag of Canada.

The United Nations flag is flown at both Cenotaphs and the Region of Peel flag is flown at the Civic Centre. Brampton Fire Prevention displays the Brampton Fire Dog safety banner flag at the Fire Life Safety Building.

All flags at City facilities are flown, displayed and disposed of in a consistent and appropriate manner and are positioned in Order of Precedence in accordance with the National Flag of Canada etiquette.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Community Flag Raisings

To celebrate together the strength of Brampton’s diversity, equality and inclusivity, the City offers the opportunity for communities to raise nation and community flags on the designated Community Flag Pole located in Ken Whillans Square at City Hall, enhancing awareness of special occasions and activities. Community flag raisings will take place Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM(exceptions are made only for independence days and heritage months).​


 Guidelines for Community Flag Raisings

Community organizers can request community flag raisings through the Protocol Office.

  • Community flags are raised on the Community Flag Pole located in Ken Whillans Square outside Brampton City Hall
  • Flag raising ceremonies are a maximum of 1 hour in length, with the agenda developed by the community organizers. A sample agenda can be shared with community organizers for reference. Flag raising ceremonies typically include:
    • O’Canada
    • Anthem of nation flag being raised
    • Remarks from community organizer, representative from Embassy or Consul General’s office, remarks from Mayor or representative from City Council
    • A brief cultural performance or live singer for the anthems

The City of Brampton facilitates the logistics of community flag raisings by: 

  • Providing a podium and sound system with 1 microphone
  • Providing up to 50 chairs and 2 tables including setup services

Community organizers are responsible for:

  • Inviting the Mayor​ and Members of Council​ and any other dignitaries
  • In​viting members of the community and advertising the flag raising ceremony (this could include adding to the​ ​ Events Calendar)
  • Providing the flag one week in advance of the flag raising - flags must have metal grommets and be three-feet in size along the vertical staff of the flag
  • Providing any music including anthems on a USB drive
  • Making arrangements to book alternate space for any portion of the event that exceeds the allotted 1 hour. To check for availability and to book City Hall space, please call 3-1-1​

  • Flag raising requests are approved based on the City of Brampton’s Flag Policy
  • Requests to use the Community Flag Pole are reviewed for approval in the order they are received
  • Organizations may request only one flag raising annually
  • Organizations are required to provide the flag one week in advance of the flag raising
    • Flags must have metal grommets and be three-feet in size along the vertical staff of the flag
  • Flag raising requests should be received by the Protocol Office a minimum of four weeks in advance of the requested date

Approved Community Flag Raisings

​​​​​​​Listing of approved comm​unity flag raisings​​​​​​​​​

Half-Masting of Flags

Flags may be lowered to half-mast as a symbolic expression of collective mourning.

Flags at all City of Brampton facilities will be half-masted from sunrise to sunset on the following days annually as per the Flag Policy:

  • January 8: National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Air Disasters
  • January 29: National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia
  • March 11: National Day of Observance for COVID-19​
  • April 9: National Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge
  • April 28: National Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace (Workers’ Mourning Day)
  • June 6: D-Day
  • June 23: National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism
  • Second Sunday in September: Firefighters' National Memorial Day
  • September 11: Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks
  • Last Sunday in September: Police and Peace Officers National Memorial Day
  • September 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
  • November 1-7: Sikh Genocide Awareness Week
  • November 8: National Aboriginal Veterans Day
  • November 11: Remembrance Day
  • December 6: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
​​​​​​​Notice of Half-Mastings​​​​​​​​