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Tree & Bench Dedication Programs

Tree Bench Dedication Page Banner

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Parks Maintenance & Operations is pleased to be able to offer tree and bench dedications. These programs may be used as a form of remembrance of a loved one, celebration of a birth, honouring a retiree, or any other event which you feel should be commemorated by a living tribute.​

All costs may be subject to change without notice.​​​​​​​

 Tree Dedications

 Bench Dedications

Please send the completed form and cheque payable to City of Brampton to:

Brampton Cemetery
10 Wilson Avenue
Brampton, ON
L6V 1T5

If you would like more information about the program, please contact the Cemetery Office at 905-874-2997 or​

Contact Parks Maintenance and Operations - Community Services
