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Churchville Berm & Floodwall Condition Assessment


The purpose of this assessment is to determine if repairs are needed to the berms and floodwalls. Repairs might be needed due to damage or degradation over the past 36 years, including the ice jam in February 2022. The study area is shown in Figure 1 below.


The Churchville neighbourhood is located on the Credit River between Steeles Avenue West and Highway 407. The low-lying neighbourhood has a long history of flooding, including at least 34 floods between 1922 and 2022 which were primarily caused by ice jams. The flood in 1987 led to the Churchville Flood Control Project which installed berms, flood walls and backflow prevention valves (Figure 1) to mitigate riverine flood risk. The total length of the berms and flood walls is approximately 875 m, of which 340 m are located on private property. The City has no easements across these private properties.

The drainage system has also been modified since the original Flood Control Project. In 2006, Paradise Homes Mahogany Inc. installed a new storm sewer on Victoria Street to drain a new subdivision down to the Credit River. Catchbasins on Victoria Street were connected to this new sewer and flapgates were installed to prevent the river from backing up the new sewer onto Victoria Street. In 2010, Peel Region replaced the storm sewer and flapgate northeast of the Churchville Road bridge during a sanitary sewer project.

An ice jam event occurred in the Churchville neighbourhood from February 17th to 23rd, 2022. Approximately 35 to 45 mm of rain fell overnight on February 16th over a snowpack of about 30 cm, resulting in 50 to 60 mm of runoff across the Credit River watershed. River ice quickly broke up and began to move downstream. An ice jam formed in the elbow of the Credit River downstream of the Churchville Road bridge. Rising water levels backed up through multiple storm sewer systems and may have also overtopped the berm. Approximately 22 homes experienced flooding, though a larger number of residents were asked to evacuate.​ The ice remained stuck until February 23rd, 2022.

For more information on the ice jam recovery, including the upcoming Environmental Assessment of flood mitigation options, visit:

Project Overview

The City’s consultant will:

  1. ​Review background information and confirm applicability of the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA).
  2. Verify that all the relevant permissions to undertake required work on private property have been acquired.
  3. Conduct investigations, including topographic survey, visual inspection, structural assessment, geotechnical investigation, and fluvial assessments.
  4. Prepare a condition assessment report that includes all assessment methods, observations, analyses, conclusions, and recommendations.
  5. Prepare an asset management strategy for the berms and flood walls, including estimated costs, priori​ti​zation of remedial measures, a roadmap for approvals or remedial measures, annual maintenance tasks, expected life cycle, and administrative requirements to carry out the repairs.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Draft Findings & Next Steps

The City's consultant has completed their assessment and found that the flood barrier (berms and floodwalls) are in satisfactory condition.

The recommended next steps include the following:

  1. Inspections: The City will continue regular inspections of the flood barrier and will update inspection procedures within the next year at an estimated one-time cost of $20,000.
  2. Minor Repairs: The City will conduct minor repairs to the flood barrier within the next two years at an estimated cost of $38,000.
  3. Additional Study of Potential Upgrades: The City will undertake additional investigations of the flood barrier as part of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to evaluate engineering solutions for reducing flood risk in Churchville starting in the spring of 2024. The estimated cost of the additional investigations of the berms and floodwalls is $140,000. Upgrades to the flood barrier and other infrastructure are subject to the results of the MCEA and Council approval.​

Final Report

The final report of the condition assessment is now available as a digital copy. The findings and next steps have not changed from the draft report. ​Please contact the Project manager for any additional information: ​

Kevin Thavarajah P.Eng, PMP​​​
​Environment & Development Engineering
Planning, Building & Growth Management​​​

Tel: 437.855.7626


 Project Timeline

Item Status: Past

Permission to Enter Requests Sent to Private Property Owners

Item Status: Past

Request for Proposals Closes

Item Status: Past

Project Begins

Item Status: Past

KGS Group awarded contract to complete project

Item Status: Past

KGS Group completed visual inspection and survey of berms and floodwalls

Item Status: Past

KGS Group carried out hand auger holes at City properties to analyze soil composition

Item Status: Past

KGS Group approved to conduct additional field investigations and engineering analyses to assess the performance of the structures, including the stability of the concrete cantilever floodwall and seepage analyses of the earth dyke and foundation soils

Item Status: Past

KGS will complete additional field investigations

Item Status: Past

Draft Report published for comments from public

Item Status: Current

Project Completed

Contact Environmen​​t & Development Engineering

Kevin Thavarajah P.Eng, PMP
Planning, Building & Growth Management​​​​
2 Wellington St W, Brampton