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Lost & Found Pets

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lost Pets​​​​​

We know losing a pet is terrifying, but Brampton Animal Services is here to help. It’s important to stay calm and start by searching around your home and neighbourhood. If your pet is not found, follow the steps below for the best possible chance of a reunion between you and your best friend.​​​

Licensing is the best way to ensure that lost pets get home safely.​

​​​​License your Pet​​​​​​​​​


Found Pets

Many pets are found by neighbours within close proximity to the pet's home. If you see a healthy cat outdoors, it may be your neighbour’s pet that has regular ​outdoor access or a community cat that lives outside (and ma​y be part of a TNR program). We need community members to assist us in limiting shelter intakes to animals that are truly homeless or suffering and those that represent public safety concerns. We are here to help; follow the steps below and contact BAS for more information​.​​