City of Brampton receives more than $38M for
Riverwalk Project.
Previous Studies
Special Policy Area Amendment:
In 2014, the city updated the original SPA policies through the work of the Downtown Brampton Special Policy Area Comprehensive Flood Risk Management Analysis (City of Brampton, 2014). The SPA policy amendment was approved by the province in 2014. The policy clearly states the requirements for new developments within the SPA (including provisions for floodproofing, providing ingress/egress, and restricted uses).
In addition, two sets of feasibility studies have been completed in partnership with the TRCA. For more information click here.
Phase 1 Feasibility Studies:
Given the complex nature of flooding through the downtown, the first feasibility study entitled “Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Feasibility Study” (Amec Foster Wheeler, 2016), included an assessment of the general hydraulics and whether or not it was feasible to control the regulatory flood. In recognition of the fact that flood protection alone would not serve the needs of the community or the design objectives of the city, a concurrent urban design and land use study was undertaken, entitled “City of Brampton Downtown Etobicoke Creek Revitalization Study” (The Planning Partnership, 2015). Both study teams followed an integrated project model, whereby the land use decisions were informed by the engineering team at key points throughout the project, and vice versa.
Under the banner “The City Faces the River/The City Rediscovers the River”, the vision presented opportunities for the Riverwalk area downtown revitalization. The report was presented to, and approved by, Brampton City Council in June 2014.
Downtown Etobicoke Creek Revitalization Study
Associated presentation:
Downtown Etobicoke Creek Revitalization Study Presentation
The Phase 1 feasibility study flood mitigation can be found here.
Phase 2 Feasibility Studies:
A second set of feasibility studies were completed in 2018. The aim of this work was to refine the understanding of flood flows through the downtown. In a similar manner to Phase 1, the Phase 2 studies included a hydraulic study and an urban design study. The hydraulic work utilized 2D hydraulic modelling to gain an understanding of the interaction of flood flows between the Etobicoke Creek, overland flows and iii) the storm sewer system. Brampton, with the assistance of TRCA, was the first city in Canada to utilize this complex flood modelling. The project built upon the alternative flood mitigation measures identified as feasible in the Phase 1, and also continued the integrated project model approach to further refine the land use and urban design impacts and opportunities presented by the various flood mitigation alternatives.
Phase 2 feasibility study flood mitigation can be found here and
figures can be found here.
Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Environmental Assessment:
The Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Downtown Brampton Flood Protection Class Environmental Assessment (DBFP EA) was completed and submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP) in June 2020. The ESR was available for public and agency review between June 4, 2020 and August 3, 2020.
Following the conclusion of MECP review of the EA, all requirements of the Class EA process have been fulfilled and the EA is now approved. Pending Council approval and direction to proceed, the project may now enter the next stage which is detailed design.
addendum to the Environmental Assessment for the CN crossing area has been completed in November 2024.
Please see here for more information and to view the Environmental Study Report.