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Parking Offences


Fine based on offence
Sect. 40(1)Park more than 15 cm from the curb
Sect. 40(1)Park facing the wrong way
Sect. 42(1)Park obstructing a sidewalk
Sect. 42(2)Park within 3 m of a fire hydrant
Sect. 42(3)Park in front of a driveway
Sect. 42(3)Park in front of a laneway
Sect. 42(4)Parking within 9 m of an intersection
Sect. 42(6)Obstructing traffic
Sect. 42(7)Park on the boulevard
Sect. 42(7)(a)Park overhanging the curb
Sect. 42(8)Park in excess of 3 hours
Sect. 42(10)Park on a cross walk
Sect. 42(10)Park on a pedestrian crossover
Sect. 42(11)Parking 2:00 am to 6:00 am prohibited
Sect. 42(12)Park in a prohibited area
Sect. 42(13)Fail to park within designated space
Sect. 43(2)Stop where signs prohibiting stopping are displayed
Sect. 43(4)Park in a taxicab stand
Sect. 43.1(1)Park in no parking loading zone
Sect. 43.1(2)Stand in no parking loading zone
Sect. 44Park interfering with snow removal and/or winter maintenance
$250 for second offence, $500 for subsequent
Sect. 45Park a large motor vehicle on street
Sect. 45Park a detached trailer on a residential street
Sect. 46(1)Park on private property
Sect. 47(5)Park in a designated fire route
Sect. 48.1Park in Electrical Vehicle Charging Station contrary to sign
Sect. 49Park prohibited time as posted
Sect. 50Stop prohibited time as posted
Sect. 51Park in excess of posted time limit
Sect. 51(1)Park unlicensed vehicle
Sect. 51(2)Park immobile vechicle
Sect. 56(4)Park at an expired parking meter
Sect. 56(10)Stop vehcicle on highway controlled by bagged parking meter
Sect. 57(12)Park on municipal property
Sect. 56.1(4)Park and exceed time displayed on pay and display receipt
Sect. 56.1(5)Park and exceed maimum time permitted in pay and display location
Sect. 56.1(10)Park at bagged pay and display machine
Sect. 57(6)(3)Park and fail to display receipt
Sect. 57(6)(3)Park and display illegible pay and display receipt
Sect. 57(6)(4)Park and exceed maixmum time permitted in pay and display receipt
Sect. 57(6)(5)Park at pay and display lot and exceed maxium time permitted
Sect. 28.1(1)Through traffic - blocked signalized intersection
Sect. 46(1)(c)Park on municipal laneway
Sect. 51.2(1)Park on an authorized residential only area without authorization
Sect. 21 (2)(b)Park or stop in a bicycle lane
Sect. 43(1)(k)Park in accessible parking space on street/no permit
Sect. 48(5)(a)Park in an accessible parking space/no permit
Sect. 55Obstruct access aisle
Section 2Park, stand or stop in an unauthorized area