Auditors with Professional Designations

2021: 100%
​2020: 100%
2019: 100%

Workplan Completion

2021: 80%
2020: 92%
2019: 76%

Audit Recommendations Issued and Accepted

2021: 50
2020: 44
2019: 115

Recommendations Implemented by Due Date

2021: 57%
2020: 85%
2019: 59%

Overall Performance

2021: 4/5
2020: 4.5/5
2019: 4/5

Reports Issued to Audit Committee

2021: 25 Total Reports: 6 Audit, 3 consulting,16 other
2020: 26 Total Reports: 11 Audit
2019: 24 Total Reports: 8 Audit