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Heritage Identification

Heritage Identification

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Ontario Heritage Act allows municipalities to maintain a register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest.​

Heritage Regist​ers​​

The Ontario Heritage Act requires municipalities to maintain a current, publicly accessible register of properties of cultural​ heritage value or interest situated in the municipality. The mu​nicipal register is the official list or​ record of cult​ural heritage propertie​s that have been identified as being important to the community.

​The register must include all properties in the municipality that are designated under Part IV (individual designation) and Part V (district designation) under the Ontario Heritage Act. A municipal register may also include property of cultural heritage value that has not been designated, which is commonly known as "listing". The Register is a dynamic document with new information added on a regular basis.

Once a property is placed on the Register, it gains public recognition, and a level of heritage due diligence is exercised for planning, building and/or demolition permit applications.

​The City of Brampton maintains two registers:

1) A register of properties that are designated cultural heritage resources under the Ontario Heritage Act. This register is known as the "Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Resources Designated under the Ontario Heritage Act". Click on the register and brochure below to find out more.

2) A register of properties that are identified or "listed" as cultural heritage res​ources and may be considered for designation. This register is known as the Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Resources. Click on the register and brochure below to find out more.


​You can also use Brampton Interactive Maps to find cultural heritage resources throughout the city.

Heritage Conservation Districts

The Ontario Heritage Actenables municipalities to designate defin​ed a​reas of special cultural heritage value or interest as Heritage Conservation Districts (HCDs). District designation allo​ws the council of a municipality to manage and guide future change in the district through adoption of a district plan with policies and guidelines for conservation, protection and enhancement of the area’s special character.

Heritage Cemeteries

Brampton is the first municipality in Ontario to approve the heritage designation of all pioneer heritage cemeteries within its boundaries.