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Let Your Holiday Sparkle & Shine

Keep Fire & Electrical Safety on Your Mind

Here are some simple holiday tips to keep you and your family fire safe during this season!

  • ​Lights, cords and decorations are RATED FOR either indoor OR outdoor use. Never use outdoor lights in your home
  • Before use check for any damaged, brittle, cracked, frayed, nicked or kinked electrical cords.
  • Give portable heaters space or you could burn your place! Keep portable heaters 1 metre (3 feet) away from anything that can burn (including blankets, curtains, clothing, furniture and papers products).
  • When purchasing a live tree, pick one that is freshly cut. The tree’s needles should not fall off when touched.
  • Make sure to have working smoke alarms on every floor of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Replace any smoke alarm that is 10 years or older.
  • Have working carbon monoxide alarm(s) beside ALL sleeping area.
  • Stay in the kitchen when using the stove and avoid cooking when under the influence of alcohol or cannabis products.

For more information on holiday electrical safety, click here.​

Below are some links to some holiday activity sheets for your children!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


