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Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement Project


Project Overview

The City of Brampton, in collaboration ​with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, is improving wetland habitat and connectivity along Etobicoke Creek from Conservation Drive Park to Loafers Lake Park. Funding for this project is provided in part by the Government of Ontario's Wetland Conservation Partnership Program.

The Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement Project will ad​d new features at Loafers Lake including improved shoreline and wetland habitat, viewing platforms, a bio-swale and trail realignment. Planting of native tree species and new grading to improve water retention will also be undertaken throughout the project area.

Protecting, enhancing, and restoring wetlands is a part of the City's Natural Heritage and Environmental Management Strategy (NHEMS). Wetlands are vital ecosystems that provide essential services offering flood control, water filtration, and habitat for wildlife. In June 2021, Brampton City Council endorsed the Brampton Lake Enhancement Strategy, a recommendation plan to revitalize Brampton's lakes, including the iconic Loafers Lake, into premier citywide destinations with rich recreational and environmental opportunities.

Project Objectives

  • Enhance wetland ecosystems
  • Improve water quality and aquatic and shoreline habitat at Loafers Lake
  • Fight climate change and reduce flood risk
  • Increase community awareness of wetlands
  • Provide stewardship opportunities

Project Timeline

March 2024 - December 2024

  • March: Open house, permitting & approvals, detailed design
  • April: Detailed design, closure of Loafers Lake, construction mobilization
  • May-September: Construction, restoration planting
  • Fall: Construction demobilization, project unveil
  • Winter: Project complete

January 2025

  • The trail around Loafers Lake is now open for public use. Restoration efforts along the lake and shoreline are ongoing, including the planting of trees and shrubs to enhance the natural habitat. Seating re-installations are planned for January. Over the coming months, residents will notice an increase in the lake’s water level as part of the restoration process. For safety and to protect the restored areas, visitors are encouraged to stay on the designated paved trail.

Access & Detour Maps

LoafersandWetlands_PostCard_Vertical.jpgShowing a Map of Wetland Conservation Partner Program: Brampton Partner Location. This map shows Conservation Drive Park and Loafers Lake Park as part of the program. Also included are legends showing the project boundary, Proposed Wetland Enhancement Areas, and Community Planting Projects.

 Project Activities

Community Engagement & Education

This project serves as a key opportunity to engage and educate the community about the importance of wetland ecology and the crucial role local habitats play in urban environments.

​​​Let's Talk Wetland Habitat - Open House Series

On March 13th, 20th, and 21st, City staff held an open house at the Paul Palleschi Recreation Centre. Over 100 attendees had the opportunity to learn about wetlands and the project activities planned for 2024.

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 Frequently Asked Questions

 Have a Question about this Project? Let's Connect

​Karley Cianchino
Supervisor, Wetlands & Environmental Projects​

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