BRAMPTON, ON (May 21, 2021) – The City of Brampton has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA), for the fifth consecutive year.
The award represents a significant achievement for the City of Brampton, reflecting commitment to meeting the highest principles of government budgeting. To receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, the City of Brampton had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for an effective budget presentation including:
• A policy document;
• A financial plan;
• An operations guide: and,
• A communications device.
Budget documents must be rated proficient in all four categories and in 14 mandatory criteria to receive the award. Brampton City Council approved the 2021 budget on December 9, 2020, freezing property taxes for the third consecutive year during this Term of Council, and making record contributions of $114 million to reserves.
There are more than 1,600 participants in the GFOA’s Budget Awards Program. The GFOA advances excellence in government finance by providing best practices, professional development, resources and practical research for more than 20,500 members.
“Winning the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for our 2020 Budget is an impressive accomplishment, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This award represents a significant achievement in financial transparency and good governance.”
- Patrick Brown, Mayor, City of Brampton, Chair of Budget Committee
“This is the fifth successive year the City of Brampton has applied for and received this distinguished award. The Budget is a collaborative process where Council, staff and members of the public and business community help shape the future of the city. A clear, transparent and informative Budget document helped us win this award.”
- Paul Vicente, Regional Councillor Wards 1 and 5, and Vice Chair, Budget Committee
“We are honoured to receive this prestigious award in government budgeting. This achievement is a testament to Team Brampton’s commitment to deliver the best for our community, echoing our efforts to remain a Well-Run City.”
- David Barrick, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Brampton
As one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, Brampton is home to more than 700,000 people and 75,000 businesses. People are at the heart of everything we do. We are energized by our diverse communities, we attract investment, and we are embarking on a journey to lead technological and environmental innovation. We partner for progress to build a healthy city that is safe, sustainable and successful. Connect with us on
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