​​​​​​The Unit is developing Anti-Black Racism (ABR) policies and programs to address ABR. Systemically embedded in Canadian institutions, ABR reflects and reinforces beliefs, attitudes, prejudice, stereotyping and/or discrimination directed at the Black community and is rooted in our unique history and experience of enslavement and colonization. For example, the wealth gap in the Black community is projected to cost the Canadian economy between $1 trillion and $1.5 trillion in lost consumption and investment between 2019 and 2028. This translates to a projected GDP penalty of 4 to 6 per cent in 2028. The City of Brampton GDP could jump 1.5 per cent over the next 20 years—an economic bonus of $3.6 billion—by reducing racial gaps in access to employment, work hours, and education. The Unit is also implementing programs to address ABR which would help prevent losing out on the city vast sums of potential consumption and investment opportunities.

Across Canada, the Black community is facing an increasingly complex and perilous financial world. Economically disadvantaged households, in particular, lack financial knowledge and access to mainstream financial institutions. Despite growing interest in financial literacy, we have not seen comparable efforts to improve access to financial policies and services, especially among disadvantaged families. Instead of aiming for financial literacy, we are aiming for financial capability, where individuals will develop financial knowledge and skills, but also gain access to financial policies, instruments and services. This strategy will address theoretical and pedagogical approaches to increasing financial capability in the Black community.

Our Mission

To advance the Black community ecosystem and develop programs to support the Black-economy, Black led, Black serving, Black focused community, partners, volunteers, supporters as well as accomplices interested in contributing to the growth of the community. We aim to increase representation, bring together cross-sector collaboration to build alliances of individuals, associations and organizations to come together to share resources and expertise for the improvement of the Black community.

Our Vision​

To inspire and empower our community while increasing visibility of individuals and organizations serving the Black community.

Contact the Black Empowerment Unit

Corporation of the City of Brampton,
2 Wellington Street West,
Brampton, ON, L6Y 4R2