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Brampton Council resolution and By-law sign update

BRAMPTON, ON (January 28, 2020) – At its meeting on January 22, Brampton City Council passed a resolution to restrict the posting of signs that identify, or contain reference to a social media account or candidate, pending completion of the City’s Sign By-law review.

The resolution states:

That in the interest of balancing freedom of speech with the visual landscape of signage in Brampton, that the usage of signs identifying an elected official or candidate (referring to a Member of Council, provincial or federal office, or including a photo, website or social media link thereof), not be permitted until such time as the review of Sign By-law 399-2002 has concluded or an amendment thereto has been considered by Council.

This resolution continues to permit the posting of “slow down” signs as the City undertakes a comprehensive review of the Sign By-law as per the January 9 City statement.  However, any “slow down” or other signs which are erected after January 22, 2020 must conform to the Council resolution, including the requirement that no website referenced may identify an elected official. This resolution continues to permit the posting of “please slow down” signs, which are permitted under section 8(4) of the Sign By-law. That exemption was approved in 2002. The City will continue to undertake a comprehensive review of the Sign By-law as per the January 9 City statement. 

Such signs must also continue to comply with all other requirements of the Sign By-law, including the requirement that the signs be erected on private property (and not in the road right-of-way), are limited in size to 4.3 square feet, and may not be erected within a visibility triangle. Residents should check their property survey to confirm the limits of their property boundaries. Other general regulations and prohibitions relating to signs can be found in Section 5 of the Sign By-law. Advertising on City property, such as City owned Urban Furniture, including bus shelters, is governed by a Council approved policy relating to Advertising on City Property and is not subject to the Sign By-law. The City expects the outcome of its comprehensive Sign By-law review to be presented to City Council later this year.

Megan Ball
Media Coordinator, City of Brampton, City of Brampton | 905.874.2143